Chinese Woman Kills Man by Squeezing His Testicles

Chinese Woman Kills Man by Squeezing His Testicles

Chinese Woman Kills Man by Squeezing His Testicles

Yes Its True. The incident took place in Haikou City in southern China when an 41-year-old woman tried to park her scooter in front of a man’s shop to pick up her kids from school. She was rejected by the shop owner. The two parties soon fell into a quarrel. The woman called her brother and husband for back up, which resulted in a more violent fist fight. During the fight the woman grabbed the shop owner’s private parts (a.k.a. testicles) and squeezed them until he collapsed.

The man was taken to the hospital but it was too late as he was pronounced dead. The woman was arrested and is now facing charges.


Do not install Photoas Facebook App in Facebook

Do not install Photoas Facebook App in Facebook

Hey Facebookers, if you received a message from friends that asking you to install an app called Photoas, please ignore it, do not install. If you installed, it will use your account and start spamming all your friends. If you notice under you apps list, please removed it immediatelly. Continue reading “Do not install Photoas Facebook App in Facebook”

The Boy Who Sees Without Eyes

The Boy Who Sees Without Eyes

This is a documentary about a boy (Ben Underwood) who has taught himself to use echo location to navigate around the world. Ben Underwood is blind, but has managed to do some truly extraordinary feats. Videos after the jump Continue reading “The Boy Who Sees Without Eyes”

Candiru: The Vampire Fish

Candiru: The Vampire Fish

The amazing tale of a fish that lodges itself in the genitals of men and women in the Amazon river and Oranoco Rivers of South America. The Candiru fish, or Toothpick fish, is a natural parasite commonly found living inside Amazonian Catfish. Watch these short videos to learn how this small fish has become a horror story in its own right when introduced to humans! Continue reading “Candiru: The Vampire Fish”

No Air Conditioner As Soon As You Enter The Car

No Air Conditioner As Soon As You Enter The Car

Image courtesy of fxquadro

I got this article via a forward email from friend of mine, the article is about a car dashboard, sofa, air freshener can cause cancer. Is it true? Continue reading “No Air Conditioner As Soon As You Enter The Car”