I Miss You Ring

I Miss You Ring

Can’t live without your loved one? What about getting he/she this “I Miss You” Ring. It is made of a custom made stamp and sterling silver and you can customize your size.

Bold and subtle and brave declarations of love to be left on bedside notes, at the bottom of a letter or a sweetheart’s wrist, over their heart, along the nape of their neck… little traces of love left behind.

Get yours here. More pictures after the jump. Continue reading “I Miss You Ring”

The Real Finger USB By Jerry Jalava

The Real Finger USB

Do you guys still remember of this USB Body Implant By Alberto Villarreal of Zanic Design? This is a real thing of it, but its invented by Jerry Jalava, who lost his finger in a motorcycle accident. The purpose of his invention is to provides a missing finger person with something more useful for the modern information age. More picture Continue reading “The Real Finger USB By Jerry Jalava”