World’s Most Expensive Car Wash

Most Expensive Car Wash

If you have a super car, will you wash it yourself or paying the specialist to wash it? What about a US$10,989 car wash by Gurcharn Sahota?

“Car fanatic Gurcharn Sahota, 30, started cleaning neighbours’ motors for FREE with a bucket and sponge when he was a teenager. Gurcharn has now built his own Formula 1 style pit garage where wealthy drivers pay up to £7,000-a-time for a luxury car wash. He travels with up to 100 different cleaning fluids that need special clearance at customs. The wax alone he uses costs a cool £8,200 a tub.”

Gurcharn Sahota will “work for up to 250 hours on a single car and use gear such as a kit of 100 cleaning solutions, a microscope, wax priced at over $12,000 per tub, and a special paint gauge to leave cars perfectly spotless.

Video after the jump. Continue reading “World’s Most Expensive Car Wash”

Donuting with Rolls Royce Phantom Drophead

Donuting with Rolls Royce Phantom Drophead

You don’t see this all the time and not many people in the world is going to do this. Can you imagine someone did donuts with Rolls Royce Phantom Drophead? In case you don’t know, this super luxurious car weighs close to 3 tonnes with fuel and passengers. Video after the jump. Continue reading “Donuting with Rolls Royce Phantom Drophead”