iPhone Game: Marine Sharpshooter (free at limited time)

iPhone Game: Marine Sharpshooter

You are a Marine Sharpshooter, a member of an elite American military force waging a silent war against terror across the globe. Dropped behind enemy lines, you must uncover and dismantle an elaborate terrorist plot to launch a series of coordinated attacks around the world. Your mission will take you from hidden outposts in desert cities to full scale military bases. Make every shot count, your country and the free world is depending on you. Remember your mantra: “One shot, one kill.” The Marine Sharpshooter is available for free only for today. Download after the jump. Continue reading “iPhone Game: Marine Sharpshooter (free at limited time)”

Domestic Transformer

Domestic Transformer

Architect Gary Chang is making his living transformable via an ingenious sliding wall system. It is called the Domestic Transformer which can transfer into 24 different room configurations within 344-square-feet of space. Video after the jump.


iPhone Game: Heavy Gunner 3D (Free at limited time)

Heavy Gunner 3D

Heavy Gunner is a 3D inter-galatic shooting game. Shoots the aliens and you have more than 130 combinations of upgradable weapon and 25+ missions with different enemies. The game is now available for free and only today. Will get back to usual price soon at $4.99. Download after the jump. Continue reading “iPhone Game: Heavy Gunner 3D (Free at limited time)”