Heart-Shaped Watermelon

Heart-Shaped Watermelon

Hiroichi Kimura a farmer from Kumamoto and his wife try to make love for 3 years and they finally succeed. They have created a perfect heart-shaped fruit after three year of trying. They say this symbolizes their passion for farming and their affection for each other. The heart-shaped watermelon will cost 15,750 yen ($160) each. Continue reading “Heart-Shaped Watermelon”

Star Trek MR. SPOCK Ear on eBay

Star Trek MR. SPOCK Ear

WTF! Star Trek Spock ear goes on sale in eBay. LOL! This pair of Latex Mr. Spock Ear Tips was worn by Leonard Nimoy during the shooting of the Star Trek IV Movie which he directed. Wow the price can make your eyes drop, $3750 for this pair of latex ear. Continue reading “Star Trek MR. SPOCK Ear on eBay”