Yahoo! Celebrates 25 years of online communications through the years following a journey from early PC’s to wireless computing. Song by Shitake Monkey “Those Days” from their Street Beef album. Watch the video Continue reading “Communication Evolution By Yahoo”
Category: Ads
Google Chrome TV Advertisement
Google has released a TV advertisement for its Chrome browser. It was produced by the Google Japan team. The video is showing you how clean and simple Google Chrome user interface is Video after the jump. Continue reading “Google Chrome TV Advertisement”
Prison Break 4.21 & 4.22 Promo
Familiar faces return, Will Scylla land in the right hands? Will The Company be dismantled once and for all? 2-Hour Episode! 5/15 Fri 8/7c on Fox. So don’t miss it. Watch the promo Continue reading “Prison Break 4.21 & 4.22 Promo”
Park Distance Control by VW
Hey! Take a look at the Park Distance Control of VW adv. Wow, can you imagine there steering wheel at the back of your car and the front. More pictures after the jump. Continue reading “Park Distance Control by VW”
I’M A PC: Sam
7 years old Sam is what Microsoft calls a rookie, He puts together several photos of his line toy robots which is call photo stitching. Video after the jump.
Continue reading “I’M A PC: Sam”