Jungle Chinese Board Game for iPhone (Free at Limited Time)

Jungle Chinese Board Game for iPhone

I used to play this when I was in junior school. Jungle or in Chinese it is called Dou Shou Qi (Game of Fighting Animals) is a traditional Chinese board game. It is now available for free for iPhone or iPod Touch. In some places it is also known as Jungle Chess or Animal Chess. Jungle is less complex, than chess and what is more it is entertainer playing board game with beasts. The game is a two player, abstract strategy game played on a 7×9 board. The goal is either to reach the opposite player’s cave with an animal, or simply capture all of the opposite player’s animals. I still remember a bit, rat can go under water. Download after the jump.

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Jungle Chinese Board Game for iPhone

Jungle Chinese Board Game for iPhone

Jungle Chinese Board Game for iPhone

Jungle Chinese Board Game for iPhone

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