Zii EGG World’s 1st Handheld StemCell Computer

Zii EGG World's 1st Handheld StemCell Computer

The Zii EGG is an energy efficient handheld StemCell Computer based on the powerful ZiiLABS ZMS-05 media-rich applications processor. Besides its multi-touch 3.5-inch LCD screen, it can also output HD video at up to 1080p. The ZMS-05’s 24 floating-point processors deliver up to 8 GFLOPS of raw processing power, while the StemCell Computing’s flexible architecture allows stunning display of 3D graphics on a small handheld battery powered device. You can pre-order Zii Plaszma Kit + Zii EGG for US$399.00. Video and pictures after the jump.

Zii EGG World's 1st Handheld StemCell Computer

Zii EGG World's 1st Handheld StemCell Computer

[via Zii.com]

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