Plot: Woody, Buzz, and the rest of their toy-box friends are dumped in a day-care center after their owner, Andy, departs for college. JFYI Toy Story 3, to be released on June 18th 2010. Video after the jump. Continue reading “Toy Story 3 Trailer Full Version”
Tag: pixar
Pixar Exhibition At Taipei Fine Arts Museum
The world’s largest exhibition dedicated to the art of animation. Pixar 20 Years of Animation Exhibition world tour at Taipei Fine Arts Museum (2009/08/07 – 11/01). Tons of sketches, paintings, sculptures and storyboards reveal how Pixar’s much-loved characters and worlds are brought to life. In addition to these one-of-a-kind works by artists and sculptors, the exhibition includes spectacular immersive environments and interactive experiences developed by Pixar to extend the magic of their films. More pictures after the jump. Continue reading “Pixar Exhibition At Taipei Fine Arts Museum”
Russian Wall-E Case Mod
This precisely cut metal Wall-E Computer case is made in only 18 days. The idea came after the creator finished watching the Wall-E movie. The result turned out a very cool mod. I’ll let the picture speak for itself!. Continue reading “Russian Wall-E Case Mod”