Tactical Assault Long Range Camera Stock


I’m going to shoot you with Tactical Assault Long Range Camera Stock (TALCS) with a Nikon D200 body and a Nikkor 80-200mm telephoto lens. WooooOW! That’s real cool piece, fully functional “trigger” operates the shutter and auto focus, two Standard m1913 rail sections, Optional Left Hand Panning Section (Tested), Optional Auto-Focus assist Light (Not Tested), Two Sling attachments for optional single point sling, One Sling Stud for Harris Bipod, One Hook and Loop Fastener Attachment Section. Not sure if they sell it but you can contact the forum member at 230grain. More pictures after the jump Continue reading “Tactical Assault Long Range Camera Stock”

TAC-15 Tactical Assault Crossbow

TAC-15 Tactical Assault Crossbow

You can have thing like this in every country, I mean weapon. It is called the TAC-15 Tactical Assault Crossbow by PSE.

It actually replaces the upper receiver from an AR-15 so you can swap between assault rifle and crossbow with a little tinkering.

Available for pre-order now, priced at $1300. Video after the jump.
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BA-K-47 the Bacon AK-47


Thisisfreakingridiculous.com has created a full size replica of an AK-47. It is made from bacon and wire.

They say: We had our first annual Bacon Day this past Saturday. As a huge fan of bacon, and all the great bacon blogs out there, I decided it was time for me to make my own bacon creation. I came up with the BA-K-47, a 1:1 scale AK-47 made out of bacon.

Awesome. More picture after the jump.
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