Name Generators On Facebook

Name Generators - What Is Your Japanese Ninja Smurf Vampire Redneck Superhero Mafia French Hobbit Name

Facebook users, do you want to know what is your japanese name? Then you should give this free cool facebook apps from quizopolis a try, hold on! you can also have your own ninja name, smurf name, vampire name, redneck name, superhero name, mafia name, french name and even hobbit name. Jorymon now has japanese name: Shuichi Aburakoji, cool huh? For the apps link Continue reading “Name Generators On Facebook”

Monster Helmet for Biker

Monster Helmet

Wow!! that is going to scares off the driver beside. This monster helmet is DOT approved, means it is safe to use on road. It is available at $99. It is better not to use, I’m afraid people will smack you and shout monster!!! More pictures after the jump.
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