Eternal Moonwalk – A Tribute To Michael Jackson

Eternal Moonwalk - A Tribute To Michael Jackson by Studio Brussel is a very cool website featuring videos collage of people doing moonwalk as a tribute to the MJ, The King Of Pop. You can see a video from a baby to a dog doing moonwalk. Anyways you can post your moonwalk video too. More screen shots of the videos after the jump. Continue reading “Eternal Moonwalk – A Tribute To Michael Jackson”

WE ARE AUTOBOTS – Transformers Augmented Reality

WE ARE AUTOBOTS - Transformers Augmented Reality

WE ARE AUTOBOTS – – uses augmented reality (AR) and face tracking technology to let you picture yourself with the head of legendary Autobot leader Optimus Prime. This must be a lot of fun to play, video after the jump Continue reading “WE ARE AUTOBOTS – Transformers Augmented Reality”