7-inch Tablet Battery Life Comparison

' 7-inch Tablet Battery Life Comparison

Today there are many choices for tablet with 7-inch screen sizes include mini iPad, Galaxy Tab, Google Nexus 7, and Amazon Kindle Fire HD. Each brand has its pros and cons. Well, how about the battery life time on the 7-inch tablet?

Because productivity through tablet is now increasingly widespread, With? recently conducted a test of battery life on a 7-inch tablet in the form of testing the use of browsing websites in the network connectivity through Wi-Fi.

The winner is iPad Mini 7-inch tablet with maximum use is 783 minutes. While the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 only can stand for 425 minutes long.

Best of Draw Something Drawings

Best of Draw Something Drawings

Best of Draw Something Drawings

Best of Draw Something Drawings

Draw Something is the addictive social drawing game and its available free for Apple iOS and Android Devices! Draw and guess words, play cooperatively with friends or competitively with rivals. These are some of the best Draw Something drawing. View more drawing after the jump. Continue reading “Best of Draw Something Drawings”

Enso’s ZenPad


The Enso’s ZenPad is one of the cheapest Android tablet you can find in the market, with a starting price of $155. It is powered 667MHz Samsung 6410 processor and has a five-inch, 800 x 480 screen, 8GB of storage, WiFi, an external 3G adapter(another $35) and GPS(another $25). It has a six hours of battery life. Is is still cheap if you get the full specs with the GPS and 3G will cost you $240 including the $25 for shipping. More pictures after the jump. Continue reading “Enso’s ZenPad”

Zii EGG World’s 1st Handheld StemCell Computer

Zii EGG World's 1st Handheld StemCell Computer

The Zii EGG is an energy efficient handheld StemCell Computer based on the powerful ZiiLABS ZMS-05 media-rich applications processor. Besides its multi-touch 3.5-inch LCD screen, it can also output HD video at up to 1080p. The ZMS-05’s 24 floating-point processors deliver up to 8 GFLOPS of raw processing power, while the StemCell Computing’s flexible architecture allows stunning display of 3D graphics on a small handheld battery powered device. You can pre-order Zii Plaszma Kit + Zii EGG for US$399.00. Video and pictures after the jump. Continue reading “Zii EGG World’s 1st Handheld StemCell Computer”